Centralisation of Deputation Reserve and Leave Reserve under Director of Health,Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
ANDHRA PRADESH MEDICAL AND HEALTH SERVICES - Centralisation of Deputation Reserve and Leave Reserve under Director of Health,Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad for drawal of pay and allowances to all the Medical Officers deputed to prosecute PostGraduate Course and also to those Medical Officers proceed on leave - Orders - ISSUED.
G.O.Ms.No. 188 Dated:30.05.2000.
Read the following:
1. G.O.Ms.No.83 HM&FW (B2) Dept., dt. 18.2.1999.
2. From the Dir.of Health, A.P., HyderabadLr.Rc.No.14833/E6.C/99, dt. 26.5.1999, 24.7.1999 and 8.12.1999.
O R D E R:
In the G.O. read above, orders have been issued accordingsanction for creation of (200) additional posts of Civil Assistant Surgeons in AndhraPradesh Medical and Health Services as Deputation Reserve and Leave Reserve, @ 2.8% and0.5% respectively, on the basis of a cadre strength of 6000 Civil Assistant Surgeons, witha view to augment the Medical Services in the State and improve the delivery of healthservices.
2. In the reference second read above, the Director of Health,Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad has proposed to keep all the (200) posts in Reserve, and toallot the one post out of the reserve of (200) posts as and when Medical Officers go toPost Graduate Study under service quota and to entrust to the Primary HealthCentres/Community Health Centres/Government Dispensaries etc., from where they go to takeup Post Graduate Study, for drawing pay and allowances, on lien basis. In respect of theMedical Officers on deputation in other Departments/Director of Medical Education/AndhraPradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad, and deputed to take up Post Graduate Study under servicequota, Post Graduate lien has to be arranged at Director of Health (Planning Wing) to drawpay and allowances for them. After completion of Post Graduate Study,the Post Graduatelien post will be taken back into the account under Reserve, and the reserve post will beallotted to the next batch of Post Graduate recruits under service quota. The posts ofMedical Officers from where the Medical Officers proceed on Post Graduate Study, will befilled up by the previous batch of Post Graduate students on return from Post GraduateStudy.
3. After careful examination of the above proposal of theDirector of Health, Andhra Pradesh, Government have decided that all the (200) postssanctioned as Deputation and Leave Reserve shall kept in reserve with the Director ofHealth, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad and he shall draw and disburse the pay and allowances toall those Medical Officers deputed for Post Graduate Study under service quota to variousMedical Colleges and also to those proceed on leave.
4. Accordingly, Government hereby order that the (200) postssanctioned in the G.O. read above as Deputation and Leave Reserve shall be kept in reservewith the Director of Health, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, with the conditions that:
(a) he shall draw and disburse the pay and allowances to allthose Medical Officers who are deputed for Post Graduate Study under service quota from Primary Health Centres/Community Health Centres/Government Dispensaries/AndhraPradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad Institutions/Director of Medical EducationInstitutions/Other Departments to which Medical Officers are deputed by Director of Healthand Medical Officers who are on authorised leave.
(b) the deputation reserve and leave reserve of 200 posts is theceiling on such posts and the leave reserve shall be operated strictly to the extent andfor the period actual number of Doctors are undergoing Post Graduate Courses. Anyshortfall shall not be used to accommodate others in available vacancies in the deputationand leave reserve.
5. The Director of Health, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad shall takenecessary action in the matter.
6. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance and Planning(FW) Department, vide their U.O.No. 533/Secy./150 /A2/EBS.IX/2000, Dated 19.05.2000.
The Director of Health, A.P., Hyderabad.
Copy to:
The Director of Medical Education, A.P., Hyderabad.
The Commissioner, A.P.Vaidya Vidhana Parishad,Hyderabad.
The Accountant General, A.P., Hyderabad.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Hyderabad.
The Finance and Planning (FW:EBS.IX) Department.
The H.M. & F.W. (OP) Department/A-Section.
Hi there! Nice post! Please tell us when I will see a follow up! Warnings Expert