MAMS/MNAMS/Dip. N.B equal to MD/MS
No. V. 11025/6/94-MER (UG)
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
New Delhi, the 3.10.1994
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
New Delhi, the 3.10.1994
Health Secretaries of all States/U.T. Govts.
Sub: NBE qualifications awarded by the National Board of Examination Equivalance of
I am directed to say that Medical qualification awarded by the National Board of Examinations are included in the First Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and are considered at par with Post graduate Medical qualifications of the Indian Universities. However, it has been brought to our notice that employing organizations are not recognizing these degrees at par with MD/MS degrees of other Universities. As the National Board of Examinations, and autonomous body directly under the control of the central government, is keeping high standards of Medical examinations and it is requested that all concerned may please be instructed to give due importance to NBE qualifications and treat them at par with MD/MS of Indian Universities for all posts, including teaching posts.
The Medical Council of India while considering the question of equivalence of MAMS/MNAMS/Dip. N.B. qualification awarded by the National Board of Examination with M.D./M.S. and D.M./Mch. qualifications granted by Universities/Medical Institutions, has adopted the following recommendation, which was circulated to all the authorities concerned by the Council on 6.12.93 for–information and necessary guidance.
It is recommended that for teaching appointments in the broad specialities the holder of Diplomate NBE should have at least one year teaching experience as tutor/Registrar/Demonstrator or equivalent post in a recognized Medical College imparting undergraduate teaching and training for appointment as Lecturer. Regarding the candidates holding Diplomate NBE in Super Specialities, the training shall be for two years in a recognized Medical College having recognized postgraduate medical degree in the concerned speciality for appointment as Lecturer.
It is requested that the above may please be brought to the notice of all recruiting agencies under control for information and compliance.
The Medical Council of India while considering the question of equivalence of MAMS/MNAMS/Dip. N.B. qualification awarded by the National Board of Examination with M.D./M.S. and D.M./Mch. qualifications granted by Universities/Medical Institutions, has adopted the following recommendation, which was circulated to all the authorities concerned by the Council on 6.12.93 for–information and necessary guidance.
It is recommended that for teaching appointments in the broad specialities the holder of Diplomate NBE should have at least one year teaching experience as tutor/Registrar/Demonstrator or equivalent post in a recognized Medical College imparting undergraduate teaching and training for appointment as Lecturer. Regarding the candidates holding Diplomate NBE in Super Specialities, the training shall be for two years in a recognized Medical College having recognized postgraduate medical degree in the concerned speciality for appointment as Lecturer.
It is requested that the above may please be brought to the notice of all recruiting agencies under control for information and compliance.
Yours faithfully,
(Alok Perti)
Director (ME)
(Alok Perti)
Director (ME)
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